Config File for the Ingest Template CLI Command
The config file is used with the ingest template
command to upload data. This upload method allows you to leverage the existing folder structure in your local server to map your dataset to a Flywheel project.
The alternative is to use an upload method that organizes files based on the file's metadata (such as with the ingest dicom
This guide explains how to create a config file to use with the ingest template
command so you can:
- Organize and label your folders and files to map to a Flywheel project
- Include/exclude files and folders for upload
- If necessary, de-identify your data using a de-id profile
Instruction Steps
Below is an example of the ingest template command and a config file. See the links in the Resources section to learn about of the ingest config file in more detail.
# Template and Group/Project Settings
- pattern: "{project}"
- pattern: "{subject}"
- pattern: "{session}"
- pattern: "{acquisition}"
scan: dicom
# Includes/excludes directories or file types
# Patterns of directories to include
- "*-DCM"
# Patterns of filenames to exclude
- "*.txt"
- "*.xml"
# De-identification Settings
deid-profile: custom
- name: custom
# What date offset to use, in number of days
date-increment: -17
# Remove all private tags
remove-private-tags: true
# Set patient age from date of birth
patient-age-from-birthdate: true
# Set patient age units as Years
patient-age-units: Y
# Remove a dicom field (e.g.remove PatientID)
- name: PatientID
remove: true
# Increment a date field by -17 days
- name: StudyDate
increment-date: true
# One-Way hash a dicom field to a unique string
- name: AccessionNumber
hash: true