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Include/Exclude Settings


Use the include/exclude settings to filter out files based on file type or based on directory name. Any additional upload settings can also be configured in this section.

Instruction Steps


This example ingest config file detects duplicate files, excludes TXT and XML filetypes from upload, and includes directories that end in -DCM.

# Template Settings

  - pattern: "{subject}"
  - pattern: "{session}"
  - pattern: "{acquisition}"
      scan: dicom

# De-identification settings
name: Profile1

  # Date-increment controls how many days to offset each date field
  # where the increment-date (shown below) is configured.
  #Positive values will result in later dates, negative
  # values will result in earlier dates.

  date-increment: -17

  # patient-age-from-birthdate sets the DICOM header as a 3-digit value with a suffix
  # be 091D, and that same age in months would be 003M. By default, if
  # the age fits in days, then days will be used,
  # otherwise if it fits in months, then months
  # will be used, otherwise years will be used

  patient-age-from-birthdate: true

  # all data elements not defined in fields section of the profile will be removed. 
  # If any field references a nested element in a sequence the whole sequence element 
  # will be kept.

  remove-undefined: true

  # Set patient age units as Years. Other options include months (M) and days (D)

  patient-age-units: Y

  # The following are field transformations.
  # Remove, replace-with, increment-date, hash, and hashuid can be used with any DICOM
  # field. Replace name with the DICOM field "keyword" by the DICOM standard

    # Use remove Remove a dicom field Removes the field from the DICOM entirely.
    # If removal is not supported then this field will be blank.
    # This example removes PatientID.

    - name: PatientID
      replace-with: REDACTED

    # Replace a dicom field with the value provided.
    # This example replaces “StationName” with "XXXX" in Flywheel

    - name: StationName
      replace-with: XXXX

    # Offsets the date by the number of days defined in
    # the date-increment setting above, preserving the time
    # and timezone. In this example, StudyDate appears as 17 days earlier

    - name: StudyDate
      increment-date: true

    # You can refer to fields by their DICOM tag or keyword
    # Applies one-way hash to a unique string

    - name: (0008,0050)
      hash: true

     # Replaces a UID field with a hashed version of that
     # field. The first four nodes (prefix) and last node
     # (suffix) will be preserved, with the middle being
     # replaced by the hashed value

    - name: ConcatenationUID
      hashuid: true

    # The fields below are listed so that they are not removed as part of the 
    # remove-undefined setting above. 
    - name: SeriesInstanceUID
    - name: Modality
    - name: SeriesNumber
    - name: ScheduledProcedureStepID
    - name: RequestedProcedureID
    - name: StudyTime
    - name: StudyID
    - name: SeriesNumber
    - name: PatientID
    - name: StudyInstanceUID
    - name: ProtocolName
    - name: AcquisitionDate
      increment-date: true
    - name: AcquisitionDateTime
    - name: AcquisitionTime
    - name: SeriesDate
      increment-date: true
    - name: SeriesTime

# Include/Exclude Settings 

# Flywheel uploads only the new data and does not upload duplicates. 
# all duplicates are noted in the ingest audit log attached to the project

detect-duplicates: true

# Use regex to indicate file types to exclude from upload

  - "*.txt"
  - "*.xml"

# Use regex to indicate directories to include in upload
  - "*-DCM"