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Updating the Flywheel CLI

This article explains how to download and install the Flywheel CLI.

If you haven't installed the Flywheel CLI, see the article to learn how to download and install the Flywheel CLI.

Step 1: Download

To download the Flywheel CLI:

  1. Log in to Flywheel.
  2. In the upper-right corner, select your account menu, and select Profile.


  3. Go to the Download Flywheel CLI section, and select your computer's operating system.


    A zip file with the following name is downloaded to your computer:

    • Linux:
    • OS X:
    • Windows:

Step 2: Overwrite the Old Flywheel CLI

Follow these steps to download the newest version of the Flywheel CLI and replace your older version.

Mac and Linux

  1. Open the Terminal app.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. If you are using macOS 10.15 Catalina release (or later), you need to add the Flywheel CLI as a security exception. If you are using an earlier macOS version or Linux, continue to step 4.

To add the Flywheel CLI as a security exception:

  1. Right-click on fw, and click Open.
  2. Click *Open* on the warning prompt.
  3. In Terminal, navigate to the Flywheel CLI and enter the relevant command.
    • Mac: cd ~/Downloads/darwin_amd64
    • Linux: cd ~/Downloads/fw-linux_amd64
  4. (Optional) Enter this command to add the CLI to your PATH:

    sudo mv ./fw /usr/local/bin

    This makes it easier to access the Flywheel CLI later on. It is not required to add the Flywheel CLI to your PATH. If you do not to add it to your PATH, you must either enter the file path where fw resides in the commands below or run the commands from the same location as the Flywheel CLI.

  5. Enter your password when prompted.


  1. Double-click fw-windows_amd64 to unzip the file. You should see a fw.exe file inside.
  2. Open the Command Prompt utility as an administrator.
    1. From the start menu, Search Command. Command Prompt appears as one of the results.
    2. Right click on Command Prompt, and choose Run as Administrator.
  3. In the Command prompt, navigate to fw-windows_amd64. E.g., cd C:\Users\[username]\Downloads\windows_amd64
  4. (Optional) To make it easier to access the Flywheel CLI later on, you can add it to your PATH (If you want to learn more about the PATH variable, see this article by Oracle ). You don't need to add the Flywheel CLI to your PATH. However, if you do not add it, you must either enter the file path where fw.exe resides each time your enter a command or you must run the commands from the same folder as fw.exe.

    Enter the following command to add the Flywheel CLI to you PATH:

    setx path "%path%;C:\your_path"

    For example:

    setx path "%path%;C:\Programs\fw.exe"

  5. Close and reopen the command prompt utility for the new path to be recognized.

Step 3: Verify you are using the new Flywheel CLI version

To verify that you are using the newer version of the CLI, enter:

fw version

Or, if you have not added the Flywheel CLI to your PATH, include the file path where the CLI resides.

For example:

C:\Users\[username]\FlywheelCLI\windows_amd64\fw.exe fw version