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Import PAR/REC Files


The easiest way to upload PAR/REC datasets is to use Flywheel's CLI tool. The Flywheel CLI reads your PAR/REC files and uses relevant fields to automatically enter metadata in to Flywheel.

This article explains how to run the import parrec command to upload your PAR/REC dataset to a Flywheel Project.

Instruction Steps

  1. Sign in to Flywheel.
  2. Download and install the Flywheel CLI tool. See the article for more information.
  3. Note the Group ID and Project label. To do this:

    1. Go to the Project where you want to upload the dataset.
    2. Note the path at the top of the page. This shows the Group ID/ Project label.


  1. Open Terminal or Windows Command Prompt.

  2. Enter the following command:

fw import parrec [optional arguments] folder group_id project_label

For example: fw import ~/Desktop/flywheel psychology "Anxiety Study"

Note: If your project label includes spaces, place quotes around it when entering the command. 6. Add any additional optional arguments. See our reference guide for more details on the optional flags .

By default, Flywheel uses the Examination name field for the subject label. If you want to use a different subject label within Flywheel, use --subject flag.

  1. Once you enter the command, the Flywheel CLI displays the data it has found and notes where it will import the files. It also notes if the Flywheel CLI will create a new container or use an existing container for the files.


  1. Review the hierarchy and scan summary as shown above to make sure it matches what you expect.

  2. Enter yes to begin importing. The Flywheel CLI displays its import progress.

  3. Once complete, sign in to Flywheel and view your data.
