Gear Rules with SDK Gears
Leveraging the SDK in a gear gives the gear flexibility to access the Flywheel application just like an individual user would. Using these gears in a project gear rule allows a higher degree of automation in Flywheel. With this additional capability, you can manage the set of permissions given to the gear. This is done using the same concept of roles, already defined for users. The permissions are scoped to only the project of the gear rule.
Instruction Steps
Creating a Gear Rule with an SDK Gear
Besides configuring the gear rule logic, and the inputs, this type of gear rule requires you to also provide a project role for the Gear Rule to operate under. This allows you to control or tailor the permissions given to the rule, as if it were a user in the system.
For an SDK gear use the dropdown to select the proper role for the SDK gear, based on it's expected function. Permission is limited to a single project - the project containing the gear rule.
Selecting Incorrect Permissions for an SDK Gear Rule
The gear's SDK actions will be constrained by the permissions, and so if a gear is designed to write to Flywheel using the SDK and you do not set it up with write permissions it will fail and show a permission error in the log.
Tailoring Permissions for SDK Gear Rules
In the same way that user roles are customized you can create a custom role for use with SDK Gear Rules. For example, if there is a concern about the potential for files being deleted by SDK Gear Rules using the read/write role, you can create a custom role that excludes the "Delete, including files" permission to use for SDK gear rules. This would stop any gear using the SDK delete functionality from deleting a file, and it would error out.