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Adding Data


Chances are you already have data you want to upload to Flywheel. This article gives an overview of how to add historical data to Flywheel. There is also an overview of the additional ways to add data.

Instruction Steps

DICOM Uploader

The fastest ways to get existing imaging data into Flywheel is to use the DICOM Uploader. Simply drag and drop your images to a project in Flywheel. Note: This method works best for smaller datasets. See the command-line interface below for uploading larger datasets

  1. Click Upload DICOM in the left menu.

The DICOM Uploader appears.


  1. Select a Project from the dropdown menu.

Only Projects you have permission to upload files to are included in this list. 3. Drag and drop the files you are uploading or click anywhere on the uploader to launch the file selector.

The uploader immediately begins parsing and organizing your Files into Sessions. Properly uploaded files are displayed and grouped by Acquisition. Non-DICOM files and other files not loaded correctly display an error message. . 4. Review the upload summary information and make sure that labels are correct. If they are not correct, click Edit, and update the fields.

  1. Enable de-identify data to remove the PatientID, PatientName, and PatientBirthDate headers from the DICOM file. This means that those fields are not imported when you upload the image. This also converts the Age to months.
  2. Click Upload Data. If the Upload data button is disabled, your images are missing required metadata.
  3. Navigate to the Project to review the images once the upload is complete.

Learn more about using the image requirements for using the DICOM uploader.

Command-line Interface

Flywheel's Command Line Interface (CLI) can be installed on MacOS, Linux, and Windows systems. This is an additional Flywheel program you download to use on your computer's Command Prompt or Terminal app. The CLI provides a reliable way to import large amounts of data. It has a variety of flexible methods to import the data without needing to change how it is stored your local drive.

Learn more about importing data with the CLI.

De-identifying Data

Check with your Site Admin to see what type of de-identification is configured for your Flywheel site.

Learn more about de-identifying data on Flywheel.

Automatic Upload: Flywheel Connector

When available, having a Flywheel Connector is the most effective way to get new data into Flywheel. Contact your Site Admin to see if your institution uses a Flywheel Connector.

Learn more about automatically uploading images from an MR scanner or the different types of DICOM connectors.

Next Steps

Assign users to your project and learn how roles and permissions affect what data you can see. See our roles and permissions article for more information.