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Batch Processing


Batch processing allows users to speed up workflow by running a Gear on multiple Sessions or Acquisitions at once.

Instruction Steps

Create Batch Job:To create a batch job, select all Sessions or Acquisitions you want to process by checking the checkbox next to their names. You can also use Search to find relevant data. Then, click the Actions menu above the Sessions list and select Batch Run Gear. From the modal, specify which Gear you want to run. Click Run Gear to begin the batch job.

Note: If the engine cannot identify the correct files, that job will fail to be queued. This will happen if you do not have permission to the data, the file does not exist or the file choice is ambiguous. In order to ensure the engine processes all your files, carefully groom your Collection and/or hide any files that are redundant. Gears will not run on files that are hidden or not explicitly selected.


Manage Jobs – If a Utility Gear is run, outputs will be placed back on the original Acquisition. If an Analysis Gear is run, a new Analysis container will be created and outputs will be placed on the Analysis tab. Individual jobs will be created each time the Gear is run. These jobs can be viewed from the Provenance tab on each Session. You can also cancel a job in progress on the Provenance tab.