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Setting Gear Access


By default Gears can be used by any user site wide.  With Flywheel version 16.16 and later, Site Administrators or Site Developers can limit access to specific Gears to designated users and/or projects. For more information on how Gear Access impacts what a User can do, see this article.

Instruction Steps

From the Installed Gears list, Site Administrators and Gear Developers can restrict access to a specific Gear. Access restrictions are set at the Project or User level. Combinations of Projects and Users are allowed.

Site Administrators will need to switch to Manage Site Mode to be able to modify Gear access across all projects in a site.

Site Developers can restrict access to only projects they have permissions on.

Using the SDK it is possible to restrict access to any site project if you have the project id.

How to set Gear Access

  1. Navigate to the Installed Gears page and locate the Gear for which you would  like to change access settings.


  1. Click the Manage Access button for the gear. This will bring up a modal from which you will have the option to turn on restricted access.


  1. Set the Projects that should have access to this Gear.  There is also a tab for giving specific Users access.  If you give a user access, they can access the Gear on all their projects.  Note: The Project and User tabs work independently, allowing you to adjust access at the project and user levels.


  1. Click Save.

For more information on how Gear Access impacts what a User can do, see this article.