Subject Tab
The Subject tab shows information about the subject collected from the DICOM header. The Subject tab is found within the Session Detail, which can be navigated by selecting a Session from the Sessions list.
The Subject tab also includes custom meta-data entered manually. This information may include the subject's code (shown in the header), and the subject's name, sex, and age.
Subject Types:There are now different "Subject Types" (Human/Animal/Phantom)
Choosing the different types will display different results. Human - will have the First name, Last name, Sex, Cohort, Race and Ethnicity. Animal - Sex, Cohort, Species & Strain. Phantom - doesn't give any options.
Instruction Steps
Editing Subject Metadata: To edit any of the fields found in the tab and listed below, simply click the field and begin editing. If you are not able to click and edit fields, you may not have permission to perform this action.
- Subject Label - New (formally Subject ID)
- Subject Type
- Subject First Name
- Subject Last Name
- Subject Sex
- Subject Cohort - New
Subject Race, select from:
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- Black or African American
- White
- More Than One Race
- Unknown or Not Reported
- Subject Ethnicity, select from:
- Not Hispanic or Latino
- Hispanic or Latino
- Unknown or Not Reported
Only the database will change when you edit these fields. If there is a corresponding DICOM field to the data element you are editing, the edits will not appear in the file on the disk.
Managing Subject Information: Users can also create custom fields to store important subject information such as test scores, statistics, and additional meta-data. To create new fields, begin by clicking the + icon to the left of Custom Information. The drop down will appear, after you decide which customer field (String, Boolean, Number, Array or Object) you would like created; populate the key & value and click "Save".