Revert to the Legacy DICOM/NIfTI Viewer
Two versions of the OHIF viewer are included on each Flywheel site: the current version (written in React) and the legacy version (written in Meteor).
By default, all DICOM and NIfTI files will load in the current version when you click view.
If you are having trouble viewing your images in the current viewer, one workaround is to revert back to the legacy viewer.
This article explains how site admins can make the legacy viewer the default.
Instruction Steps
This article applies to Flywheel instances using V3 architecture. To check which architecture version your site is on, click the “?” icon in the top right corner. To override the default viewer behavior you must re-register the legacy OHIF viewer as a custom application.
- Sign in to Flywheel as a site admin.
- Select Applications from the left-navigation menu.
The Applications dashboard lists all applications registered at your site:
- Custom applications appear in the top section and can be edited
System applications appear in the bottom section and cannot be edited
Click Register New Application in the upper right corner.
Enter the following in the application registration form:
Type: Viewer
- Name: Legacy OHIF Viewer
- URL: internal:ohif_meteor
Match Container or File Types: dicom nifti (select the autofill suggestion to ensure the file types appear in pill form as shown below)
Click Register. A success message appears, and your newly registered application is listed in the top section.
4. Test that the default has been changed by navigating to a project and clicking the view icon
. 5. The image should load in the Legacy OHIF Viewer as shown below.
To verify you are using the legacy version, make sure the toolbar of the viewer looks like this image. 6. To use the latest version of the OHIF viewer by default, delete this custom OHIF Legacy Viewer application.