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Capturing Data Directly from MR Scanner


To speed up data capture and organization, Flywheel can be configured to automatically upload images directly from the scanner to a Project in your Flywheel instance.

Instruction Steps

This article gives an overview of how to configure the scanner at the beginning of a session so that the data is uploaded to the correct Group and Project. To learn more about how the Connector works, see this article.

  1. Most sites are set up to upload all data to Flywheel by default. However, if you are unsure, check with your institution's Flywheel Site Admin to determine if you need to enter an opt-in string to upload data.
  2. If you wish to upload your data to Flywheel automatically, you would need to specify the Group and Project in a specific field at the Console, which is called "Routing String". To identify the Group and Project in Flywheel where your images should go:

    1. Sign in to Flywheel.
    2. Select the Project where the session should be uploaded.
    3. At the top of the Project page, copy the routing string for that Group and Project. routingstring
  3. In your scanner console, enter the routing string into the appropriate field. This field is different for each site, but typically this is the Patient ID or Additional Info fields. Check with the Flywheel Site Admin at your institution for the specific field.

    Routing string format: fw://<group>/<project>/<subject>/<session>

    For example, below is an example of a Siemens console with the Flywheel opt-in string and routing string filled out: siemensexample

  4. Acquisitions are transferred to a specific group/project as soon as they are finalized. You can sign in to Flywheel to view the images as they are uploaded. Learn more on how to find and view your images in Flywheel.

Note: What happens if not all of the fields are completed on the scanner console?

Flywheel's top priority is making sure your data is uploaded to your Flywheel site, so the Connector will still upload data even if information is missing. Where the data goes in Flywheel depends on how much information is entered at the scanner.

See our article on how the Connector organizes data for more information.