Deprecation of "Upload DICOM" Feature
Starting with Flywheel Core version 19.4, the "Upload DICOM" feature will no longer be available for most customers.
The "Upload DICOM" feature is replaced by the new multi-modal "Bulk Import" feature, which provides many powerful new capabilities, including:
- Additional file types beyond DICOM,
- Large files (>4 GB) support,
- Conflict detection and handling,
- Malware scanning, and
- Detailed monitoring and auditing capabilities.
Re-Enabling the "Upload DICOM" Feature
The new Bulk Import feature for uploading data from your local machine requires your Flywheel site to have an object storage device available.
If your Flywheel site does not have an object storage device available, then it may be necessary to re-enable the legacy "Upload DICOM" feature.
To request this feature be re-enabled for your site, contact Flywheel Support.