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Compute Troubleshooting based on Gear Logs

Gear Logs contain both gear output logs as well as logs from Flywheel's compute engine. The gear output logs are particular to the specific gear, while the Flywheel compute log records could appear for any gear run. These particular logs identify issues for the compute setup steps before a gear is running as well as the steps after the gear execution to bring any results back into the Flywheel database.

Gear Log Messages and their Meanings

These are some of the error messages, their meanings, and some next steps to resolve the issue.

Could not download container or Error downloading gear

This error message means it was not possible to get the gear container image. This could be due to an issue with the container provider or an incorrectly specified container in the gear.

Potential Remedy: Retry the gear. In any case log a support ticket for further identification by Flywheel Support.

Could not download assets and inputs

This means that it was not possible to download the file input to a gear and/ or other assets of the gear besides the container.

Potential Cause - missing input file For a Utility gear, check that one of the input files was not inadvertently deleted while the gear was in pending state, as this could cause this issue. Solution is to ensure the input file(s) are not deleted before the Utility gear start running.

Potential Cause - other If this is an Analysis gear or the input files are not deleted, then it is caused by a missing gear asset, and this should be logged as a support ticket for further identification by Flywheel Support.

Could not create output directory

Potential Cause - lack of storage: This could be caused by insufficient storage of the compute profile. Compute is shared between gear executions on the site so there is a chance that the combination of gears executing use up available storage, causing this issue. Log a support ticket for have Flywheel Support review if this is the issue.

Encountered error setting up environment.

Potential Cause - system issue: This is most likely a system issue. Log a support ticket for have Flywheel Support review.

Could not create work directory

Potential Cause - lack of storage: This could be caused by insufficient storage of the compute profile. Compute is shared between gear executions on the site so there is a chance that the combination of gears executing use up available storage, causing this issue. Log a support ticket for have Flywheel Support review if this is the issue.

Job was canceled before execution

Potential Cause - job cancelled: If the job is cancelled while pending, for example, by a user of the jobs log, this message will appear in the log. This message is expected when a job is cancelled.

Error starting the gear.

Potential Cause - system issue: This is most likely a system issue. Log a support ticket to have Flywheel Support review.

Error finishing the job.

Potential Cause - system issue: This is most likely a system issue and occurs after the gear has executed and an issue occurs in the completion process. Log a support ticket to have Flywheel Support review.

System was not able to upload results; marking job as failed.

Potential Cause - over 100 output files: With version 19.0 and later there is a 100 output file limit for gears, in order to ensure stable compute results. Solution is to modify the gear to produce less than 100 files. One approach is to zip the contents in the gear.

Potential Cause - system issue: This is most likely a system issue and occurs when there is a problem with the upload process. Log a support ticket to have Flywheel Support review.