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Viewing Your Support Tickets


Getting help from the Flywheel Support team is as easy as sending an email to

You can also create a support ticket by clicking Contact Support in the upper right of this page. You will receive an automated confirmation email that the request was received by our support ticketing system. A Flywheel support agent will follow up via email to answer your question or confirm the details of any issue you are reporting.

If you want to view all of the tickets you've submitted and their history, you can do so by creating a profile and logging into This is likely different than the log in credentials you use to access your Flywheel site. The email you use to contact support is the one you will want to use a username when creating a profile on this site to view your support tickets. I will walk through how to do that in the rest of this article.

Instruction Steps

First, click on the Sign In link on


If you've created a support ticket already, you do not need to create a new profile. You just need to create a password for that profile with the username of the account being the email address you emailed from.


On the next modal, enter the email address you emailed from and click Submit.


A confirmation email will be sent to the address you entered and this confirmation notice will appear.


The following email should arrive very shortly afterwards. Click the link provided to reset your password.


Once you've created a password, then you should be able to sign in with that username and password. Once logged in, you can click on your profile link and you will see a "My Activities" link, which is where you will find all of your support tickets.

Clicking on that link will bring you to a page where you will be able to see all of your support tickets and any tickets that you have been CC'd on.


You can click on any ticket to see the full history and all comments by you and any Flywheel agents.

If your organization has provided you with more advanced permissions, you may also be able to see all tickets from your organization under the "Organization requests" tab. If you're a Site Admin interested in this feature, please contact