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Project Tab

The Project tab shows details associated with a Project. To navigate to the Project tab, first select a Project on the Projects page, located under the Data section of the Flywheel sidebar. Once you have selected the correct Project, select the Project tab, located in the Session Detail.

The data shown in the Project tab is from the Sessions located in that Project. You will find a Project description, the Group to which the Project belongs, the number of Sessions the Project contains, and any attachments and notes associated with the Project.

Note: A Primary Investigator or Lab manager may want to upload a Study Protocol, blank consent forms or other related documentation so that all researchers working on the Project can collaborate effectively.


Moving a Session to Another Project

To move a Session to another Project, start by selecting the checkbox on the left of the Session list on the dashboard. Once selected, click the Actions menu, found above the Sessions list, and select Move Session to Project. Then, select the Project to which you want to move the Session from the drop-down list, and click the Save Changes button.


Only Project Admins, Group Admins, and Site Managers have permission to do this.